Thank You, Sponsors
Friends and Supporters of MOE
Dan McCafferty - FRIEND
We appreciate and recognize our sponsors on our website with a logo and link to your site. At the end of the season, you will also receive a Team Photo. Thank you for supporting our mission.
Sponsor MOE
Sponsorship at any level includes recognition on our website and other materials, as well as all benefits from lower levels. A list of recognition levels based on cash or equivalent value can be found here:
MOE "GREEN" LEVEL ($10,000+)
Sponsor name on our competition robot
Sponsor name officially part of our FIRST team name
Sponsor name on team jersey
Sponsor link on MOE website
MOE "PARTNER" LEVEL ($5,000 - $10,000)
Sponsor name officially part of our FIRST team name
Sponsor name on team jersey
Sponsor link on MOE website
MOE "FRIEND" LEVEL ($1,000 - $5,000)
Sponsor name on team jersey
Sponsor link on MOE website
MOE "SUPPORTER" LEVEL ($100 - $1,000)
Sponsor logo and link on MOE website
If you'd like to sponsor MOE, please email Brandi Mycoff (brandi.mycoff@redclay.k12.de.us)
Support MOE
First State Robotics (FSR) would not be able to make miracles happen ...one student at a time... without generous support from individuals. As the parent organization for our robotics activities, FSR supports the fundamental backbone (insurance, etc.) of the programs.
You can support First State Robotics (the parent organization of MOE) at no cost to you by using AmazonSmile while shopping on Amazon. Simply go to smile.amazon.com or activate AmazonSmile in the Amazon Shopping app, select First State Robotics as your chosen charity, and shop as normal. Your eligible purchases through AmazonSmile will result in a donation to FSR.
Visit this link to directly send funding to MOE through PayPal.
United Way:
Visit this link for more information
Gifts of cash
You may send a check directly to First State Robotics. Please make the check out to "First State Robotics, Inc." You may indicate a specific purpose of your gift on the check or in an accompanying letter. Mail checks to:
First State Robotics, Inc.
P.O. Box 116
Hockessin, DE 19707
You can also give directly online at: firststaterobotics.org/donate-to-fsr/. To designate your donation to a specific purpose, you need to put a comment in the notes field.
Gifts of Appreciated Securities
Gifts of appreciated securities represent a two-fold savings opportunity. Donors avoid paying capital gains taxes on the increased values of their stocks. In addition, donors receive a tax deduction for the full market value of the stock on the date of the gift. For information about how to make a gift of stock.
Gifts to FSR Endowment Fund
You can help create a strong future for First State Robotics, by contributing to our endowment fund, which ensures ongoing support for our programs. The endowment fund is administered by the Delaware Community Foundation, www.delcf.org.
Planned Gifts for First State Robotics
The FSR endowment fund gives donors an option for supporting our work far into the future. You can continue your support of FSR, whether it has been in the form of financial support or volunteer efforts, with a planned gift. A planned gift can take effect during your lifetime or after death.
A bequest is a gift made in a will. If you are interested in supporting First State Robotics through your will, you probably will want to contribute to the First State Robotics Endowment Fund. A bequest to the fund may be made in the body of your will or it may be added as a codicil so that the entire will does not have to be rewritten. It should be accomplished in consultation with your attorney. A bequest to FSR is not subject to federal estate or any state inheritance taxes.
Charitable Gift Annuity
In return for a gift of cash or appreciated securities, the donor receives a certain sum annually for life. A current tax deduction is available for a portion of the amount donated. Gift annuities paid to two beneficiaries are also available. The amount to be received annually is determined by the donor's age and the age of any other annuitant at the time the annuity agreement is established. Generally, a substantial portion of each payment received is exempt from income taxes for a period of time. A gift of $10,000 or more is typically required to establish a charitable gift annuity.
Gifts of Real Estate
Donating real estate is a strategic way to provide financial support for FSR. Real estate gifts are generally deductible at full market value, either up to 50 percent of adjusted gross income, or up to 30 percent if there is a long-term appreciation. Any excess deduction may be carried over for five additional years.
Gifts of Life Insurance
For many people, life insurance affords a practical means of making a significant gift to FSR. It is possible to assign ownership of a policy that is no longer needed for personal or family protection, or to take out a new policy with FSR as owner and beneficiary.